- This is for my friend Dave Monteyne, a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota. It is a site for unrealized Soviet era architecture. I really like the first Palace of Soviets and the Aeroflot Building.
- This is for Brett who will be heading back to grad school and for the half dozen foreigners in Taichung who actually went to university. It is by the Prangstgrup and is called Lecture Musical.
- Everyone who knows Big Ell, knows he loves Hip Hop and Mr. T. With Mother's day fast approaching here is a clip from ifilm with Mr. T rapping about his mother.
- This is another link for those people who love Mr. T. You can pick up your own Mr. T comic book in May.
- For all of you kindergarten teachers here is at link to some fantastic new coloring book pages. My personal favorite is "I knew I shouldn't have eaten that homeless kid. Now I have gas, great!
- Here is a link to buy some Ron Mexico merchandise. Who is Ron Mexico? Ron Mexico is the alleged alias of Michael Vick the star Atlanta Falcons QB. Rumor has it that he has been spreading herpes to unsuspecting victims and telling them his name is Ron Mexico. To all members of my fantasy football league, my team is now called Ron Mexico.
Big Ell
We need you for the 24th. Rugby, football and those other those other things.
i'm touched.
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