Taiwaner of the Week:
Chiu Yi (邱毅)
Taiwanese cable conglomerate TVBS is in big trouble. According to the Taipei Times they are wholly owned by a Chinese company. This is against the law in Taiwan which I believe requires a minimum 50% local ownership. So the DPP government is going to try and shut them down.Chiu Yi (邱毅)
In completely unrelated news; the DPP corruption scandal deepens as TVBS continues showing video of the gamblin' man Chen Che-nan (陳哲男) ad nauseum. I think it is fair to say that TVBS is the equivalent of Fox TV in the States. The TVBS News Program "2100 All People Talking," has enjoyed a field day with ongoing anaylsis given by the immortal and politically 'Independent,' Chiu Yi (邱毅) . It is strangely popular because in fact all people are talking at the same time. Chiu is if I remember correctly the rpick who rode on the back of a jeep while it drove through a courthouse door back during the election 'troubles,' of 2004. I need to find the time to write a whole piece on this asshole. Meanwhile Ma continues to lash out at Chen Shui-Bian. Who then apologizes to the people who in turn shrug and change the channel.
I guess you are pretty brave and well versed in Taiwanese politics, however I'm not too certain. You see, you didn't actually show that you know anything about Taiwanese politics, per se, except for the typed shouting and the plethora of exclamation marks that you have chosen to leave at the end of your non-comment.
Your bravery is suggested by your angry tone and swearing, but is called into question by the simple fact that you haven't the cajones to leave your name. Anonymous is of course French for cheese-eating coward.
As to your punctuation, five exclamation marks is the mark of a diseased mind or of a spurned seventeen year old girl. Which, I wonder, are you?
If you had taken a second to read one post down, you would have seen that the person you are callously abusing is the proud, and very recent, father of a beautiful Taiwanese baby girl, so maybe he does have a reason to be interested and concerned about Taiwan's affairs.
The most humorous part about your spineless, worthless participation is that the person you are spouting obsenities at probably knows a lot more than you about the political situation in Taiwan, and could definitely tear your arms off and beat you half to death with them.
I'm wondering how you even got past the word verification bit at the bottom as it was designed to keep out automated spam and two-bit morons like yourself.
Next time maybe you could leave a more constructive piece of criticism, or, at the very least your name.
Cordially Yours,
Sean Reilly
I assume anyone who can use the word "self-righteous" has put in many a year in the USA or Canada and probably at a university level.
The dude probably is some elitist KMT kid who never had to serve in the military.
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